Five Questions to ask When Hiring a Janitor Service

Posted August 7th, 2018.

Five Questions to ask When Hiring a Janitor Service

When you run a company, your list of responsibilities grows day by day. There is a seemingly endless amount of tasks for business owners and managers to consider on a daily basis, and every decision will impact the company’s success, or lack thereof, in some way. Some of these impacts are almost imperceptible, and some are enormous, but even the small decisions matter.

From marketing to hiring to IT networking, you have critical pieces to put in place at your company to ensure your company’s success. And believe it or not, decisions about your business’ janitorial service are just as critical. A clean retail or office space is one of the most significant determining factors in your ability to retain both clients and employees, and Fox Cities Janitorial is here to make that happen.

Why Do I Need A Cleaning Service?

Why Do I Need A Cleaning Service?
Unless you somehow have figured out how to add hours into your day, you probably find it difficult to keep up with all of the tidying necessary at your place of business. And unless you happen to own a cleaning business, it’s likely that it’s not the way you want to spend your time.

Making the decision to hire a janitorial service is incredibly valuable. It will provide you with all of the following benefits:

  • You will make a great first impression on clients, customers, employees, investors, partners, and media. In the highly competitive marketplace we have today, a first impression can be the make-or-break moment. Potential clients will formulate an opinion about you and your company immediately. Losing a customer or an investor because your walls, windows, or floors are dirty is something you can easily avoid.
  • You and your employees will stay healthier. Keyboards and telephones are notoriously germ-laden, harboring all kinds of viruses and bacteria. Of course, none of us can avoid illnesses entirely, but ensuring that your employees’ workspaces remain clean will help minimize the spreading of germs in and around the office. Stopping the spread of germs will, in turn, cut down on the number of work days lost to sickness.
  • You will have happier, more productive employees. Finding high-quality workers is an uphill battle for many companies, so retaining the ones you have is critical. Employees want to work in a place that feels and looks good. It is a morale booster when employees can walk into a space that is well-tended and clean. Your employees will be more likely to work efficiently in a sparkling clean office and will be more inclined to remain loyal to the company as well.
  • You will save yourself critical time. Running a business is not simple. It requires constant outputs of energy to keep your company running smoothly and growing in the industry. You need to put your hours into running the company, so hiring a janitorial service will save you countless hours that you can then commit to other needs for your business.

Choosing the Right Janitorial Service for Your Business

Choosing the Right Janitorial Service for Your Business
So, now that you’re convinced that you should hire a professional cleaning service, it is time to pick one. This is a relationship that will require a certain degree of trust, so here are five questions you should ask when hiring a janitorial service:

  1. Are the cleaners subject to background checks? Many companies work with sensitive and private information on a daily basis. Social security numbers, bank accounts, medical information, and credit card numbers may change hands regularly in your business. At Fox Cities Janitorial, we take your company’s security and privacy very seriously. We will work with you to ensure that our team knows exactly what you need them to do to maintain security and privacy for your clients. Our employees go through background checks and receive wages that are higher than most in the industry. We are proud of our employees and are confident they will do an excellent job for you.
  2. What hours are your cleaners available? Depending on the nature of your business, you may have different timing requirements. You might need all cleaning to be done at night after you close, or you may have such a busy place of business that you need upkeep and maintenance throughout the day. Fox Cities will work with you to determine the schedule that is best for your company.
  3. Do you use subcontractors? When you hire a janitorial service, you want to know that what you see is what you get. If a company hires subcontractors, you have no way of knowing whether or not that crew has been through a background check, and you don’t know if they are qualified. Fox Cities Janitorial does not subcontract out our jobs, so you can be confident you are getting the best workers possible for your company’s cleaning needs.
  4. Are you insured, what type of limits and policies? Human error is a reality, so you want to be sure the company has adequate commercial insurance. Ask what are their General Insurance Liabilities maximums, and do they have Workers Compensation? Go a step further and ask if they have an Umbrella Policy? An Umbrella Policy will cover damages that exceed general liabilities and workers compensation.
  5. What exactly is included in your cleaning service package? Be sure to go over all of the specifics before signing on the dotted line. Some commercial janitorial companies charge extra for cleaning windows or walls. Some offer added services like floor waxing and sealing. At Fox Cities, we will work with you to create the perfect cleaning package for your company’s needs.

Your Business Deserves the Best

Your Business Deserves the Best
You have worked hard to build and grow your company, wearing many hats along the way. It’s likely you did your own janitorial work as well. But now it’s time to give yourself a break from the cleaning and hire a professional janitorial service.

Fox Cities is glad to be on your team and ready to serve you and your business. Our excellent customer service and high-quality work will ensure that your office is always looking its best. Give us a call today to find out all we can do for you.