Posted July 9th, 2018.
Invested in new carpet for your office? You do not want to ruin it soon; you want to make it last as long as it possibly can, right?
Of course, you are going to clean it to maintain that new, clean look. But you are probably wondering how exactly you can achieve that goal. Well, throughout this article you will be given tips to keep your carpet as new as the day you got it. And when you are ready for professional assistance to help you reach your cleaning and maintenance goals, we’re here to help.
Before you go and start your office carpet cleaning, you want to make a maintenance plan. A regiment to keep everything on track. Your office has its own schedule, and so should your carpet. And your carpet has cleaning requirements that revolve around your office, such as foot traffic depending on weather conditions in that area.
Wondering how you should make your maintenance plan? First things first, you will have to map out your office space. Afterward, looking at your map, mark out the levels of foot traffic throughout the office. You can use the traffic light system to help categorize the levels:
Once you create the maintenance plan, you can work out how often each area needs to be cleaned and form a schedule based on it.
Over a period, your carpet will collect dirt and grit and will build up. These particles can cause it to act like sandpaper to your carpet, grinding the fibers, causing premature wear and tear. So, vacuuming your carpet on a regular basis is the most crucial factor to extend its life and preserve its appearance.
In addition to this guideline, you will also have to consider weather conditions. Factors like these can contribute to whether or not more dirt will get tracked into your office.
If you take steps to prevent dirt and dust from entering your office, it can contribute to the vacuuming factor. A tiered entry system can help avoid up to 80% of the moisture, dirt, and dust from getting into your carpet. And using a combination of scraper mats and absorbent textiles can help.
Although vacuuming may be capable of removing 80% of the dirt and debris, it still cannot remove 100% of it.
Even with only a small amount remaining, 20%, it will still manage to wear the carpet down. Here is a little guideline to help you out on how much an area needs deep cleaning:
Yes, deep cleaning is essential to retaining your carpet’s appearance. But the conventional methods used by companies have their problems.
The method typically used is called hot water extraction. The fibers in the carpet are absorbent and will end up retaining water, dirt, and detergent within the use of this process. Traces of cleaning products are left behind after any of the water from the cleaning has dried. And cleaning chemicals are made to attract dirt.
Any cleaning chemicals left in the carpet will end up attracting dirt, and worsen the soiling, so it is essential that residual traces of cleaning products don’t remain in the carpet.
The majority of carpets are made to be stain resistant, to protect your investment from stains and soils. The stain treatment may prevent spills from penetrating into your carpet to allow you some time to clean up; however, it is not perfect.
You may be able to clean up a small spill quickly, but it would not be doable over a large space, or if it’s more than a splash. Encourage your office workers to clean up minor spills as they happen. But establishing a process for large spills would be worthwhile.
Not necessarily a cleaning tip, but the choice in carpet can make a massive difference to how long it will maintain its appearance. For example, if you have a darker colored carpet and someone spills coffee on it, you won’t see it as much compared to if it were a light colored carpet. Even a patterned one can make a difference on when to clean any spills or walk-in traffic.
When picking your carpet, it is best to go for carpet tiles. If you end up with a stain that will not come out or specific areas are too damaged, you can quickly remove and replace that portion of the carpet. Alleviate the stress of replacing the whole carpet for just one area or dealing with the eyesore of a stain or damage.
An in-house maintenance team that can carry out daily cleaning is excellent, but hiring professionals is worthwhile as well. You want your office carpet to last as long as it possibly can, so with the help and expertise of a professional, it is achievable.
A professional can help create a tailor-made cleaning and maintenance schedule that fits your office’s needs. They make sure that all of these tips are being used to prolong the life of your office carpet.
Maintaining the carpet is essential for your office, but you have to keep up with its maintenance to do so. From something as simple as daily vacuuming daily to hiring professionals, it can make all the difference. So keep these tips in mind; maintaining your new office carpet and keeping it looking new can be attainable.
Here at Fox Cities Janitorial, we can help you maintain your office carpet to keep it looking as new as the day you got it. If you have any questions or want more information, please feel free to Contact Us. We are here for your office carpet cleaning needs.